Saturday, May 16, 2009

Griefer griefing

I was talking with Pierce Kronos the other day and he mentioned something to me that I should have imparted to you from the very beginning of this blog: namely, being a superhero isn't just about killing griefers.  Especially in the Green Lantern Core.  In the Core some people just get rid of the griefers as a sideline.  That's me in a nutshell.

Except that I don't want to kill griefers, although the idea of sending 100,000 volts via my users computer to fry theirs is an intriguing idea... no, I want to make them stop griefing.  And since the very reasons griefers grief is for the griefing itself I don't think making them see the error of their ways is going to happen.

But I digress.  I don't want membership in the Core just for the Anti Griefing, no matter how cool that is, I'm joining to become both a better influence in the Virtual World as well as the real one.  As fun as it might be to build and script a repeating orbiter and use it on some A-hole inworld, that would be against TOS... sigh.

Dangit, I keep digressing.  No I hope to be a fully functioning Core member so that I can contribute to the online community, either for charity or helping newbies or any other way I can help.

But let's face it.  I don't have the Power Ring for nothin'.  Let one griefer get out of line...

Just kidding Core members.

P.S. There's still time to make a donation to Relay for Life by donating Lindens to the Lanterns for Life.  Simply contact Pierce inworld for more information.  To do that, get your free Second Life membership and download the client.

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